Thursday, January 19, 2006

Stop Press

It has been brought to my attention that I have made a bit of a misprint.

Yesterday I discussed this underground science of 'dating' (or pick-up-ing) that I never knew existed. I found a few articles I briefly glanced over amusing.

I didn't read the material thoroughly, and have apparently misinterpretted 'the main idea' of Mutual Value Escalation. It is not infact (to quote myself)
getting a girl to lower her standards you can increase your own value
But rather that is merely a 'suggestion'. Instead the main idea of the article could be summed up in this paragraph:
You make her into a 9.5. Who is that dependant on? YOU! She feels stronger, smarter, more confident, more socially savvy, more beautiful, and more powerful around you. Without you, she can't have that. What does that do for your value?

10/10, gentlemen. When you deliver a compliment well (that's where the game comes in), you increase your value and hers... and yours MORE.
So there we go...I have cleared up that little issue. My apologies to Dimitri.

However - one question? What if her 'value' isn't dependant on Mr Smooth? A stronger, smarter, more confident, more socially savvy, more beautiful and more powerful woman isn't these things if she is only them around Mr PickUp. She doesn't need compliments, because she knows who she is. She is the one who will smile sweetly and say 'thankyou' then turn and walk away.

Just a thought.

Before I go I must quote this last gem:
Don't try to cut women down so you're better than them. Instead, lead them and make people around you better people. You can do this by encouraging them, complimenting them when they do well, and disciplining them when they fail.
Oh you brave brave soul...I have deep respect* for anyone who tries disciplining a woman (who is not 'attatched') and survives! And I'm allowed to say that because I am please no emails complaining about that one either!!!!

*disclaimer: 'respect' is used loosely in this sense and does not reflect any true opinion of the author
With Love From Cat xxx


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