Saturday, January 28, 2006

101 hours 20 minutes

I don't know how long this is going to go for. What is my aim here? To get 'off' coffee.

Strangely I feel better - the big dark patch of skin under my eyes has faded a little. Bargain.

However, I do not recommend going on a coffee fast and then trying to survive on 3 hours sleep either. No I'm not tired. I love talking dribble to strangers. What was I saying?

Do I take a cat-nap and wake up hot and bothered? Do I ride out the tiredness until I collapse tonight?

Best Friend came by - we stretched out on the couch for a while. I closed my eyes for a moment. I fell off the couch half an hour later when her husband came buzzing on my doorbell. It was that horrible deep-half sleep, where you fall into a deep sleep straight away, (too deep for the likings of a day-nap) and wake up prematurely feeling more tired than before you drifted off.

Lack of sleep was worth it though. Another gig.

This time I was able to analyse a different dynamic. The band played well - infact possibly better than the last time I heard them. The venue was empty. Good for me because less people means more chest-thumping, rib-reverberating sound to absorb, but I guess it would have been discouraging for the band.

How do you draw a crowd when there is none?

Actually the city was strangley deserted last night. Driving down a well-known 'lively' part of Sydney you would have thought it was mid-week. Not a Friday.

It also made me think of all the amazing riffs or solos that must go unnoticed and unheard. Whether it is a sleepy little venue, or finding inspiration in a solitary place - there must be some pretty incredible lost material out there.

Anyway, my point is - kudos to the band for keeping up the standards to entertain a few 'swayers' down the front, a couple of drunkards down the back, some people busy playing the pool up on the balcony, and one gal in the middle of it all in a trance.

With Love From Cat xxx


Come on a journey with me and see some paint, fire, salsa, and a whole lot of caffeine!


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