Friday, January 06, 2006

Simple Things

Last night after seeing a friend play at a gig somewhere in south Sydney I stood outside in the rain. I was watching the drops fall infront of a street lamp - they appeared to be floating in slow motion to the ground. I didn't realise I had a smile on my face, and I didn't realise they were watching.

"You really enjoy the simple things, don't you?"

I decided to make a day of simple things.

Unfortunately there wasn't anymore rain, however I *did* manage to get lost trying to find my way to Balmoral. Instead I decided to find the simple things in Manly, because that's where I ended up.

I found a little cafe and had THE BEST LATTE I'VE HAD IN YEARS. Then celebrated the coffee with a big fat gourmet chicken burger (marinated chicken breast...crispy bacon....toasted tasty cheese....drool drool drool) and salad.

Then on the way home I did indeed find Balmoral, and enjoyed a walk, the scenary, the wind, the sand (tasty). Good photo oppurtunities there...

Then I enjoyed a all people should do.

Now I am reliving uni-music and have pulled out old mini-discs (Soko - In November Sunlight and Tim Reynolds - Common Margins) to listen to music with no complicated fandangled lyrics (after having Van Morrison's 'Brown Eyed Girl' stuck in your head for a day it is a much-welcomed break, believe me!)

Tonight I'm off to a salsa social...but not before one big fat coffee and a Lindor chocolate...dark of course...

With Love From Cat xxx


Come on a journey with me and see some paint, fire, salsa, and a whole lot of caffeine!


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