Sunday, October 30, 2005
Jitters and Freaky Biscuits
Thought I'd try to expel some of my jitters over the keyboard.
Thursday afternoon I was chatting to Best Friend. She had hurt her back and her husband was heading over to my house to drop off a few things that she had been meaning to bring over. I just happened to go to the window to check if he had arrived when I saw something bizarre.
Some guy in black was hiding in our garbage-bin area. I half expected someone to walk past and see him jump out and giggle along with them, but no. He kept crouching.
Then he began pacing. Maybe he was waiting for someone, thought I. Noone came.
He begun to fiddle with his jacket. He had something hidden in there. At this point I began narrating to Best Friend, still on the phone. It all appeared a bit sus, but alarm bells started ringing when he tried spreading newspapers with his hands balled up inside his jacket. When that didn't work he started kicking it around with his feet.
Best Friend told me to take a photo. I felt like Spy Girl, so I did.
After laying out the paper, he unzipped his jacket and started to drop something on it..."He's chucking stuff on the ground!" I cried...then realising my window was open, ducked down just as he turned around. I have to admit my first thought was 'jiffy firelighters', but with Best Friend's coaxing I sneaked up to the curtain for another look.
"They actually look like...biscuits?" Hmmmm...
He then started to get something else out with his sleeve, this time he was placing whatever it was with great care - and care not to touch it.
"What is it??!" Best Friend was getting just as intrigued as I was.
"I have no idea, but he's hiding it under the newspaper too." He suddenly jumped up, went over the wall, and seemingly did the same on the other side.
Suddenly, he jumped to his feet and bolted down the street. Nobody else was around.
"Is this one of those security-threat-thingos? Be alert, not alarmed!" I giggled...but was still pretty suspicious all the same. "I'm going to go check it out". I was really Spy Girl now...
Best Friend was a bit more cautious - "Be careful...and call me back as soon as you get upstairs."
I honestly wish I took a photo of what I saw. It was much more interesting that some random person blurred. What I found was carefully laid newspaper with an arrangement of biscuits (as guessed...) and....coins! Shiny coins neatly placed on the newspaper both beside our garbage area and in the middle of the footpath on the other side.
Who knows.
It was just simply another weird occurance in the life of Cat.
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