I adore chocolate and mint. They just go together in perfect harmony. Lately, Cadbury's 3 Wishes gone from pink, to yellow to GREEN! Yes, good move Mr Cadbury. Though there is something bizarre about green chocolate.

I think it brings me back to my youth. I once decided I was going to make peppermint chocolate. I lined up my favourite milk block (Lindt extra creamy) with a bottle of peppermint essence and green food colouring. The recipe was fool-proof in my mind...

Unfortunately I wasn't aware that when you mix melted chocolate with water it 'freezes' and becomes such that it will not melt. Not only did my chocolate end up chunky, but the green food-colouring gave it a...well...
interesting tinge. I'm sure you could think of a few things a greeny-brown colour that shouldn't go anywhere near the mouth...

Thankyou Mr Cadbury for making it easier on us all. (And sorry for my teachers to whom I gave odd-textured, suspiciously-coloured Easter Eggs to that year...)

Before I go...just to let you all know that I'm going to see the Cat Empire in November and I'm excited. So excited I'm going to go celebrate with a hazelnut and cinnamin latte. In a pair of dark shades of course.

so totally funny. reminds me of when I tried to be martha stewart and make what I thought a nice home made stew. I was trying to be all spontanious and threw random things from the cupboard in....like bacon bits...which turned out to be imitation...which melted and turned my winter stew PINK. Husband tried to eat it. Sick...
Haha...sick pink sink stew.
That sounds like a great title. You must have inspired me to discover new colourful foods (see entry 25th October 2005)!