Fun Food Day!

I decided to say 'sucks to colourless food' and have a fun food day. It began at breakfast. A cooked meal on a week-morning?? What was I thinking? I say people should do this more often. It put me in a jolly mood for work. What better way to start the day with pancakes, ice-cream and berries laced with mixed berry coulis. All freshly made of course (I milked the cows myself... okay, maybe just the pancakes and coulis were 'freshly made')

Then...after work and before salsa - a berry smoothie! What a delicious purple it was (phone cameras do no justice) and 97% fat free...

last night we learnt something (that I can hardly pronounce, let alone spell) which is a close-contact step. That is difficult enough - what with my own little 'white-girl hips' and a whole lot of men you really don't want to be dancing closely with (please guys...some deodorant and a breath mint would go a loooooong way!) but to top it off....some creepy man was sitting at the sides taking photos of my friend and I with his mobile during the dips!!

Now...someone please tell me what the etiquette is there...am I entitled to demand to see and ask the photos to be erased? It's all just a little too creepy for my liking.

Anyway...back to the food.

After that little episode, I needed something to get me happy again...the remedy? Ice cream (God bless that stuff) with berries and kiwifruit sauce. YUM.
And what a gooey green...

So...here's my challenge - Cream your food with colour. It makes for a most enjoyable day.
(Sad when I get my kicks out of food...)
