Mr Ex just called. He asked why I hadn't kept in contact (um....because we aren't going out anymore???) and when we can get together (um, how about NEVER?). I'm shaking my head in bewilderment.

To give you some background knowledge, Mr Ex decided it would be best if we cooled the relationship and tried again a bit later. I responded by saying it's either on or off, and the way he was talking, it was best to call it off.

We went our seperate ways, I was happy.

However, he still wanted to be buddies. I let him know that I just couldn't do that. A big mess resulted, finally we came to some conclusion that a breakup is just that, and I let him know that 'friends' was just not possible (he wanted basically what we had without the label).

So now I've moved on. There has been a few other guys ask me out since (obviously no fireworks) and I have to be honest and say I'd almost forgotten him.

Until today. So why do guys think they can keep a line in each pond and hope something keeps biting? This little fishy isn't falling for it. I politely let him know that I'm quite busy at the moment, thankyou. He said he'll email me to organise something. He can organise all he likes. I'm not going to dance around an Ex when Mr Wonderful is still out there.

PS. Any similar experiences? Please share!