Sunday, October 30, 2005

Jitters and Freaky Biscuits

Cat-Astrophic Argh...I think my caffeine tolerance is not what it used to be. I had three in an hour and I'm still suffering. That was 5 and a half hours ago. My heart is still racing. Physically it feels like fear. There are 20 butterflies flittering around my insides.

Thought I'd try to expel some of my jitters over the keyboard.

Cat-Astrophic Weird Occurance #147 Cat-Astrophic
Thursday afternoon I was chatting to Best Friend. She had hurt her back and her husband was heading over to my house to drop off a few things that she had been meaning to bring over. I just happened to go to the window to check if he had arrived when I saw something bizarre.

Some guy in black was hiding in our garbage-bin area. I half expected someone to walk past and see him jump out and giggle along with them, but no. He kept crouching.

Then he began pacing. Maybe he was waiting for someone, thought I. Noone came.

He begun to fiddle with his jacket. He had something hidden in there. At this point I began narrating to Best Friend, still on the phone. It all appeared a bit sus, but alarm bells started ringing when he tried spreading newspapers with his hands balled up inside his jacket. When that didn't work he started kicking it around with his feet.

Best Friend told me to take a photo. I felt like Spy Girl, so I did.


After laying out the paper, he unzipped his jacket and started to drop something on it..."He's chucking stuff on the ground!" I cried...then realising my window was open, ducked down just as he turned around. I have to admit my first thought was 'jiffy firelighters', but with Best Friend's coaxing I sneaked up to the curtain for another look.


"They actually look like...biscuits?" Hmmmm...
He then started to get something else out with his sleeve, this time he was placing whatever it was with great care - and care not to touch it.


"What is it??!" Best Friend was getting just as intrigued as I was.
"I have no idea, but he's hiding it under the newspaper too." He suddenly jumped up, went over the wall, and seemingly did the same on the other side.


Suddenly, he jumped to his feet and bolted down the street. Nobody else was around.
"Is this one of those security-threat-thingos? Be alert, not alarmed!" I giggled...but was still pretty suspicious all the same. "I'm going to go check it out". I was really Spy Girl now...

Best Friend was a bit more cautious - "Be careful...and call me back as soon as you get upstairs."

I honestly wish I took a photo of what I saw. It was much more interesting that some random person blurred. What I found was carefully laid newspaper with an arrangement of biscuits (as guessed...) and....coins! Shiny coins neatly placed on the newspaper both beside our garbage area and in the middle of the footpath on the other side.


Who knows.

It was just simply another weird occurance in the life of Cat.

Cat-Astrophic And now I'm going go twirl something and get this energy out of my system.

With Love From Cat xxx
Thursday, October 27, 2005

It's not easy being green

Cat-Astrophic Cat-Astrophic I'm in a green mood today. I don't mean jealous, or sick...just 'green'. I'm joyful, yet fairly
passive. I'd usually class this mood as 'blue', but it's just not that mellow enough.

Cat-Astrophic I'm currently eating home-grown mushrooms (nothing sus...). There is absolutely nothing like home-grown anything. Just to make it more 'my own', I even gave mine a face...

My mushy

Cat-AstrophicHe reminds me of a little snowman... again, poor camera quality... but with a cute little face like that, I could almost turn carnivorous...


With Love From Cat xxx
Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Power to the People!

Cat-Astrophic I'm demonstrating my protest from home. Teachers have a stop-work meeting today to discuss industrial action. To be blantantly honest, such politics really don't interest me at all (even though it does concern my job...) BUT there is no way I am going to school to babysit a bunch a ravenous children who are going crazy because their teacher is away.

Cat-Astrophic I simply don't get paid enough for that kind of stress. SO...instead, I woke up at 5 (as usual) with the sun peeking through my window, and went back to sleep (not as usual) until 5:30. By this time we had the makings of a beautiful day. I spent the next hour reading in bed with the sunlight now beaming in through my open window. Cat-Astrophic

6:30 Best Friend rang. Her tyre was flat. Leapt out of bed to the rescue.

7:30 Went fruit and vegie shopping. Mmmm nectarines....

8:00 Had breaky...toasted turkish bread with ham, baby spinach, sundried tomatoes and swiss cheese.

8:15 Checked email and wrote an entry. You know...I could get used to these mornings off - and school hasn't even technically started yet!!

Cat-Astrophic I'm going to go have a shower, go to the bank, the Post Office and the RTA (the three places I can never get to...) Then maybe dawdled towards work.

Oh yeah...and to the little punk who keeps pinching my P-Plates...'P-off' haha...P... oookay.

With Love From Cat xxx
Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Colourful Culinary Cuisine

Cat-Astrophic Fun Food Day!

Cat-Astrophic I decided to say 'sucks to colourless food' and have a fun food day. It began at breakfast. A cooked meal on a week-morning?? What was I thinking? I say people should do this more often. It put me in a jolly mood for work. What better way to start the day with pancakes, ice-cream and berries laced with mixed berry coulis. All freshly made of course (I milked the cows myself... okay, maybe just the pancakes and coulis were 'freshly made')


Cat-Astrophic Then...after work and before salsa - a berry smoothie! What a delicious purple it was (phone cameras do no justice) and 97% fat free...


Cat-Astrophic last night we learnt something (that I can hardly pronounce, let alone spell) which is a close-contact step. That is difficult enough - what with my own little 'white-girl hips' and a whole lot of men you really don't want to be dancing closely with (please guys...some deodorant and a breath mint would go a loooooong way!) but to top it off....some creepy man was sitting at the sides taking photos of my friend and I with his mobile during the dips!!

Cat-Astrophic Now...someone please tell me what the etiquette is I entitled to demand to see and ask the photos to be erased? It's all just a little too creepy for my liking.

Cat-Astrophic Anyway...back to the food.

Cat-Astrophic After that little episode, I needed something to get me happy again...the remedy? Ice cream (God bless that stuff) with berries and kiwifruit sauce. YUM.


And what a gooey green...

Cat-Astrophic's my challenge - Cream your food with colour. It makes for a most enjoyable day.
(Sad when I get my kicks out of food...)

With Love From Cat xxx
Monday, October 24, 2005

Burning Yoda

Cat-Astrophic I was reading Nick Woolsey's 'Poi: Unravelling the Mysteries of Motion' - a kind of theory of the practice of poi, and came across this little gem...

"To my delight, I discovered that poi are amazing movement exploration tools. They are guides. They are teachers. They are like Yoda, only smaller and on strings."

Cat-AstrophicHaha! Love it. Except now, I imagine yoda, on fire, spinning around my body.

"Hot it is, burning I am."

-This is not me...but I love this photo - Catalyst from a group called the River City Burners.

With Love From Cat xxx
Saturday, October 22, 2005

Pretty Pink Spider

Cat-Astrophic For some reason the pink is annoying more than usual today. I don't think I've mentioned my animosity toward the colour pink before...well, guess what? The girl with the sickly-pink blog hates pink. But enough of that.

Cat-Astrophic My real reason for typing is this. A rather interesting ode to a spider courtesy of Fireland. I could spend a rather scary amount of time here sifting through 10 years worth of blog entries. Josh (author) has an intriguing spin on the world.

Cat-Astrophic Now to close my windows before the rain gets in...

With Love From Cat xxx

My Monkey and Me

Cat-Astrophic I got up at 5, looked at the clock and went back to bed. It is a Saturday afterall.

I got up at 6, took something to sedate the gorilla still residing in my stomach and went back to bed.

I got up at 7 and took my monkey for a walk. The ape doesn't seem to want me to sleep.

I went on a cleaning spree at 8, and the gorilla has finally gone to sleep.

Shhh...don't wake him up....

With Love From Cat xxx
Friday, October 21, 2005

Gorilla Gloves

Cat-Astrophic There's a gorilla in my stomach knitting gloves. Every now and then he drops a stitch, gets angry and pounds his fists. When he doesn't drop a stitch, he gets excited and knits faster poking those silly needles all over the place.

Cat-Astrophic Anyway...I just had to share that today is Friday.
Fridays are the best invention known to man. Unless you have to work Saturday.

Cat-Astrophic Fridays can be spent making your week bigger and better by looking for more shanannigans to fill in your time. OR they can be that much-needed down-time to a week that was really more exciting than it should've been.

Cat-Astrophic I'm opting for a happy-medium. Quiet shanannigans.

Happy Friday
With Love From Cat xxx
Thursday, October 20, 2005

Green Chocolate

Cat-Astrophic I adore chocolate and mint. They just go together in perfect harmony. Lately, Cadbury's 3 Wishes gone from pink, to yellow to GREEN! Yes, good move Mr Cadbury. Though there is something bizarre about green chocolate.

Cat-Astrophic I think it brings me back to my youth. I once decided I was going to make peppermint chocolate. I lined up my favourite milk block (Lindt extra creamy) with a bottle of peppermint essence and green food colouring. The recipe was fool-proof in my mind...

Cat-Astrophic Unfortunately I wasn't aware that when you mix melted chocolate with water it 'freezes' and becomes such that it will not melt. Not only did my chocolate end up chunky, but the green food-colouring gave it a...well...interesting tinge. I'm sure you could think of a few things a greeny-brown colour that shouldn't go anywhere near the mouth...

Cat-Astrophic Thankyou Mr Cadbury for making it easier on us all. (And sorry for my teachers to whom I gave odd-textured, suspiciously-coloured Easter Eggs to that year...)

Cat-Astrophic Before I go...just to let you all know that I'm going to see the Cat Empire in November and I'm excited. So excited I'm going to go celebrate with a hazelnut and cinnamin latte. In a pair of dark shades of course.

With Love From Cat xxx
Come on a journey with me and see some paint, fire, salsa, and a whole lot of caffeine!


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