Wet T Shirt Competition
So I believe I may have become a victim of my own convenience.
Little One has never been the best sleeper. However after a number of weeks we were getting a rough 4-3-2 hour pattern from 10pm with 10 minute feeds. Not too bad.
Yet I was so sick of hearing how other bubbas of the same age were sleeping through the night and having 2hour maps during the day IN A COT...SO sick of hearing whether one should have a coffee or scrapbook with their spare time...so sick of it that I think I felt more tired and run down than I actually was.
And here began the cycle. Rather than leaping out of bed with bountiful bosom bared ready for action, I started the journey of roll, flop, feed. That is, roll over, flop the boosie out, feed the whimpering one and go back to sleep - sometimes during the process.
So then it happened that if I fed her, THEN put her down she would wake and thrash and scream and noone would get sleep. So for the sake of daddy-who-works-6-days-a-week I would rollflopfeed. Soon it seemed she wouldn't sleep at night without a boob in the mouth.
Sounds extreme? Think I'm exaggerating? Try waking up at 3am with a wet t-shirt - not because your boosies are leaking, but because a 2 month old has attached itself to your chest in the hope it can suck something out through the fibres. Oh yes, we co-sleep. Another thing pre-natal me said she would never do...but that's another post...
So here we are. With a wet t-shirt and waking every hour and a half to two hours. I think it's my own fault, but lordy it's hard to convince a 10 week old otherwise when you're too flippin tired to argue the point...and so the vicious cycle...
Rather, it feels more like a competition of who will crack first - mum or bub. Let me tell you I have LOSER written across my forehead.
Cat's Guide to Birth Preparation Part I
The wonderful thing about my bag packing effort was that I split things up into multiple bags and labelled them feeling like supermum already - 'labour', 'for baby', 'after labour' (in case 'postnatal' got lost in translation during the mayhem) and 'extra supplies'. That last one I was most proud if because it was evidence that I was prepared for anything. Until my support crew left the lot in the car anyway and my newborn ended up with a folded vest on her head because she didn't have a cap to keep her warm in the first few hours of her life. Already midwives were casting scornful 'negligent parent' looks at the one who didn't pack their winter baby any clothes.
2) Prepare meals in advance - You will appreciate having pre-prepared meals once your new little bundle comes along - let's face it - it'll save your marriage - although you might be more than happy with toasted cheese sandwiches and cup-a-soup, your significant other may start to feel neglected.
You will also need back up in case of well wishers who volunteer to drop off a meal and then turn up with some vegetarian dish that would see any meat-loving male packing their bags and running screaming for the hills. (Just kidding, Amy....we loved it...really. Mung beans are my favourite)
3) Keep your petrol tank full - So that might sound like a given but you'll be wishing you listened when your driver has to pull in to a service station with your legs sprawled apart on the dashboard. Mind you it's also a certain way to jump the queue...
4) Have a back up plan - babies are seldom considerate so forget convenience. If there is ever a moment not to be born you can guarantee it will come then. However this wasn't our case. Our little one chose Daddy's day off. How thoughtful.
This one also applies to birth plans. You know those things they get you to write while you were in a right frame of mind so when you get to the other side you can mock the pre-labour you..."no drugs? Oh good luck honey. You try telling yourself its all mind over matter..."
Stay tuned for another installment. If I ever get around to it that is...
Welcome to Motherhood
So the plan was to have a beautiful, graceful drug-free hypnobirth and come out the other side 3 days later with make up intact, cleaning done, baby sleeping and a tea in hand whilst typing away about how wonderful motherhood is.
Instead I was cut open after a plethora of pain relievers, opted for early discharge after 4 days because my 'roomie's' Big Fat Egyptian Family came to stay in and out of visiting hours, and set out on a 6 week recovery, crying bub attached to bleeding nipples, dreaming of a shower whilst my hubby did the house work.
I've installed a Blogging app on my phone. With a bit of luck I can provide a chuckle with my good old friend 'autocorrect'.
Okay so maybe I'm being a little dramatic. I wasn't *that* naive, however I also wasn't *that* prepared for what was in store either.
This little thing cries at me, pukes on me, poos on me, keeps me awake at night, is the reason for my oily hair, daggy trackies, stretchmarks and floppy belly...but she melts my heart. With one gaze, goo or gassy smile she has me in pieces. And I wasn't prepared for that.
Psycopathetic Psagas
Well that is really quite true - friends and family have done a brilliant job of keeping me busy during this time, but truth of the matter is that come bed time I'm still left all alone in that big bed in an empty house.
Sleeping with the door shut gives me some sort of illusion of security, however I have discovered that this is completely useless if I rather stupidly decide to watch television shows on serial killers and homicides before going to bed.
Whose idea was that?
What's worse is I 'experimented'* with Dexter. A show I've never had any interest in watching - when they market a show with a man with creepy eyes and blood and then shove a cute baby in the shot?? It just seems too twisted for my liking.
Well it stayed on and I submitted a few things on ebay whilst watching the show and yet 'not watching'. Big mistake. (How can they make the main 'hero' of a show so detestable and disturbing and all the while present them as the 'good guy'? Makes a mess of my mind...). While I was cleaning up and brushing my teeth, there was some show about homicide detectives and understanding the mind of a psychopath and how they are lead to target seemingly 'random' innocent people.
By the time I got to bed, closing the door seemed pointless.
I could hear creaking. DEXTER IS IN MY HOUSE!!!!!
Or is that the house settling as the cold night air sets in? Ah okay, however that doesn't comfort me WHEN THERE IS A PSYCHOPATH ON MY VARANDAH!!!
Or is that the rabbit? Yep. It's the rabbit. In fact - that rabbit and his faithful sidekicks (the guinea pigs) have a lot to answer for in terms of lost sleep last night. Every little noise they made convinced me that there was someone outside waiting in the shadows for the opportune moment to make headlines that would reach all the way to DH on the other side of the world -
*experimenting with tv - I find I do this when home alone. The noise of the tv gives some sort of comfort - so I'll have the tv on, switch to the least boring program and then do something else. The tv remains on but I'm not really watching. This is great for discovering programs that one probably wouldn't otherwise watch - however apparently not so great for sending distasteful subliminal messages...
Resolution Shmesolution
Well, I've learnt my lesson, so this is the blog entry declaring that I will, on no accounts, be blogging on a regular basis.
In fact, I would not even be writing today if it wasn't for an old friend on Facebook who has started her journey in blogging (mind you, I believe that is long overdue - she is the type of person whose words are wasted locked up in that head of hers - even her Facebook status updates are witty, meaningful, inspirational or all of the above) which then lead me to find other friends who are all blogging (either closet bloggers or not)...which then lead to the 'oh gee, I wish I had a blog', which lead to the 'oh darn it, I do'.
Okay, so my ramblings may not be anywhere near as exciting, inspirational, witty or awe-inspiring...but at least it's cathartic.
On a side note - I'm listening to the gestational period of Tasmanian Devils (don't ask). 25 days! Goodness me, that's the amount of days I have LEFT to go. How on earth does a she-devil have the time to not only *find out* that she is pregnant, but then set up a nursery, prepare herself emotionally, attend ante-natal classes, re-prepare herself emotionally after being scarred by said classes, pack her little labour bags, wash copious amounts of baby-devil blankets and jumpsuits, catch up with all the other she-devils before her capacity to gallivant child-free is thwarted in just 25 days?! I tip my hat to you, little devil. But I'm still spending my 25 days on the couch.
Time for an illustration of a couch session:
I believe the Darling Little Bump had the hiccups, but was determined to kick them out. I was feeling a rhythmic little 'hic' amongst octopus limbs flailing all over the place.
Darling Hubby recently tried making contact by prodding my stomach three times. There was a prompt response of three little prods back. So of course DH repeated his prods - faster this time. DLB responded. This went on for a couple of minutes until the novelty wore off for DH. Apparently DLB has a longer attention span - she tried a few more times before giving up with an almighty KICK as if chucking a little in utero tantrum.
Now she is once again reminding me that it is in fact breakfast time. So, will I write soon? Probably not, but you never know.
Whole Year Resolutions
Does that mean I don't have goals? No. Nor does it mean there aren't things I set about to change (and often). I just don't call them New Years Resolutions. The good thing about this is when I do get a bit lazy or a goal doesn't quite go to plan, I don't feel like that's it for this year - and better wait until January before trying again.
I guess one benefit of having Resolutions at that New Year period is that there is an expectation to have thought things through - so you do. When it becomes a Whole Year Resolution it comes down to discipline to stop, think and apply yourself to change. It could become a whole resolution in and of itself.
I guess blogging on a more frequent basis has become one of my Whole Year Resolutions. How long it will last? Who knows. I have a pretty bad track record...however I'll give it a shot for now. Maybe it is only achievable because I'm on holidays (for 4 more days!!! ARGH). Maybe because I have something terrible deep, meaningful and important to say to the world (HA). Still, when I start to lack the time, or when life becomes sleep-work-eat-repeat once again and there isn't much to talk about, I won't feel so guilty and blow every other resolution out of the water until next year...
What are my others? Well, Many I'm sure I'll make up along the way this year...but I know that some involve this new season of parenthood fast approaching (I can't say/write that word anymore without thinking about the show...) both in preparation, adaptation and then evolving to the journey along the way. Some definitely involve health. Okay so the Magnums aren't a picture of a healthy person, however once my blood pressure is back to normal and I'm allowed to do 'normal' movements again, it will be my goal to get back in shape as soon as possible.
Hmmm...does that resolution *ever* succeed? New Years or not?
The Baby made me do it...

Game - Set - Naps
I almost ashamed to write it.
In fact, you can consider this a confession.
I am sitting infront of the tv with netbook in hand. (No, that's not the confession) What horrible little secret am I indulging in?
The tennis.

Please...a little yellow ball popping from one side of a net to the other? For five hours???
And yet, here I am. Watching Tomic play Lopez...so far it's 7-6 7-6 and I'm almost ashamed to say I'm excited.
Actually maybe the excitement is more due to the Magnum Temptation that's coming my way...
however that still doesn't explain the last few weeks. In my defense I must admit that with Darling Hubby monopolising the remote, there isn't too many other options. I must also state that I have been taken some rather enjoyable naps during crazy long matches - waking up only for the score and to shift my belly into a more comfortable position. I must say the 'thock, thock, thock' can be quite calming...
Still, my point is to never to say never.
Who would've thought I'd be watching tennis in my holidays? Certainly not I.
Please meet the Bump
A lot of things can happen in a year...
...even more can happen in two!

She's apparently a headstrong little bump who has no problems standing up for herself. Last week when the doctor started poking and prodding to feel where everything was, there was a swift sharp kick from the inside - giving that doctor 'what for' for interrupting the morning nap.
What has amazed me most is not necessarily the ultrasound pictures or the increasingly growing waistline...but with the sound of that heartbeat it made me realise that there is actually a little person in there. Complete with eyes, ears that can hear and already with reactions to the outside world...'someone' is in there.
It blows me away...
I used to adore (and still do) Psalm 139 - and loved verse 13 - the thought that God knew us before anyone else did. I haven't thought about that verse deeply in about 10 years...but again I find it right before me - I haven't met this little person yet, but already she is fearfully and wonderfully made...complete with a hope for the future.
...right now I think she is complete with a 'kick-button' telling me breakfast is overdue...
About Me
Notable Notes...
A new dawn...11 years ago