Sunday, January 23, 2011

Whole Year Resolutions

I'm not one for New Years Resolutions. Partly because I feel that whatever I set forth with writing down attached to good intentions and excitement that 'this year will really be different', comes crashing down by February and I'm left with tatters of guilt and remorse that once again I 'stuffed this year'. I got a little sick of writing off years before they were through, getting to October or November and wishing the last months away in the hope that the resolutions for the New Year will make the next 12 months so much better...

Does that mean I don't have goals? No. Nor does it mean there aren't things I set about to change (and often). I just don't call them New Years Resolutions. The good thing about this is when I do get a bit lazy or a goal doesn't quite go to plan, I don't feel like that's it for this year - and better wait until January before trying again.

I guess one benefit of having Resolutions at that New Year period is that there is an expectation to have thought things through - so you do. When it becomes a Whole Year Resolution it comes down to discipline to stop, think and apply yourself to change. It could become a whole resolution in and of itself.

I guess blogging on a more frequent basis has become one of my Whole Year Resolutions. How long it will last? Who knows. I have a pretty bad track record...however I'll give it a shot for now. Maybe it is only achievable because I'm on holidays (for 4 more days!!! ARGH). Maybe because I have something terrible deep, meaningful and important to say to the world (HA). Still, when I start to lack the time, or when life becomes sleep-work-eat-repeat once again and there isn't much to talk about, I won't feel so guilty and blow every other resolution out of the water until next year...

What are my others? Well, Many I'm sure I'll make up along the way this year...but I know that some involve this new season of parenthood fast approaching (I can't say/write that word anymore without thinking about the show...) both in preparation, adaptation and then evolving to the journey along the way. Some definitely involve health. Okay so the Magnums aren't a picture of a healthy person, however once my blood pressure is back to normal and I'm allowed to do 'normal' movements again, it will be my goal to get back in shape as soon as possible.

Hmmm...does that resolution *ever* succeed? New Years or not?

With Love From Cat xxx


Come on a journey with me and see some paint, fire, salsa, and a whole lot of caffeine!


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