Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Wet T Shirt Competition

So I believe I may have become a victim of my own convenience.

Little One has never been the best sleeper. However after a number of weeks we were getting a rough 4-3-2 hour pattern from 10pm with 10 minute feeds. Not too bad.

Yet I was so sick of hearing how other bubbas of the same age were sleeping through the night and having 2hour maps during the day IN A COT...SO sick of hearing whether one should have a coffee or scrapbook with their spare time...so sick of it that I think I felt more tired and run down than I actually was.

And here began the cycle. Rather than leaping out of bed with bountiful bosom bared ready for action, I started the journey of roll, flop, feed. That is, roll over, flop the boosie out, feed the whimpering one and go back to sleep - sometimes during the process.

So then it happened that if I fed her, THEN put her down she would wake and thrash and scream and noone would get sleep. So for the sake of daddy-who-works-6-days-a-week I would rollflopfeed. Soon it seemed she wouldn't sleep at night without a boob in the mouth.

Sounds extreme? Think I'm exaggerating? Try waking up at 3am with a wet t-shirt - not because your boosies are leaking, but because a 2 month old has attached itself to your chest in the hope it can suck something out through the fibres. Oh yes, we co-sleep. Another thing pre-natal me said she would never do...but that's another post...

So here we are. With a wet t-shirt and waking every hour and a half to two hours. I think it's my own fault, but lordy it's hard to convince a 10 week old otherwise when you're too flippin tired to argue the point...and so the vicious cycle...

Rather, it feels more like a competition of who will crack first - mum or bub. Let me tell you I have LOSER written across my forehead.


Come on a journey with me and see some paint, fire, salsa, and a whole lot of caffeine!


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