Psycopathetic Psagas
Well that is really quite true - friends and family have done a brilliant job of keeping me busy during this time, but truth of the matter is that come bed time I'm still left all alone in that big bed in an empty house.
Sleeping with the door shut gives me some sort of illusion of security, however I have discovered that this is completely useless if I rather stupidly decide to watch television shows on serial killers and homicides before going to bed.
Whose idea was that?
What's worse is I 'experimented'* with Dexter. A show I've never had any interest in watching - when they market a show with a man with creepy eyes and blood and then shove a cute baby in the shot?? It just seems too twisted for my liking.
Well it stayed on and I submitted a few things on ebay whilst watching the show and yet 'not watching'. Big mistake. (How can they make the main 'hero' of a show so detestable and disturbing and all the while present them as the 'good guy'? Makes a mess of my mind...). While I was cleaning up and brushing my teeth, there was some show about homicide detectives and understanding the mind of a psychopath and how they are lead to target seemingly 'random' innocent people.
By the time I got to bed, closing the door seemed pointless.
I could hear creaking. DEXTER IS IN MY HOUSE!!!!!
Or is that the house settling as the cold night air sets in? Ah okay, however that doesn't comfort me WHEN THERE IS A PSYCHOPATH ON MY VARANDAH!!!
Or is that the rabbit? Yep. It's the rabbit. In fact - that rabbit and his faithful sidekicks (the guinea pigs) have a lot to answer for in terms of lost sleep last night. Every little noise they made convinced me that there was someone outside waiting in the shadows for the opportune moment to make headlines that would reach all the way to DH on the other side of the world -
*experimenting with tv - I find I do this when home alone. The noise of the tv gives some sort of comfort - so I'll have the tv on, switch to the least boring program and then do something else. The tv remains on but I'm not really watching. This is great for discovering programs that one probably wouldn't otherwise watch - however apparently not so great for sending distasteful subliminal messages...

About Me
Notable Notes...
A new dawn...11 years ago