Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Haematological Headaches

Pain is something I've never had much of a problem with. I have a pretty high tolerance for it. So when I went in for blood tests today I was a little surprised to find myself in tears begging the nurse to let me go home.

I find this particularly amusing seeing as when I had my navel pierced I barely had a second thought...

The irony is this. It wasn't the pain I was afraid of, merely the idea of a needle sucking 6 vials of blood out of my body. And yet it was a needle (a bigger, thicker needle) that put a hole through my belly button. Still, fearing needles is the reason why I haven't had a tetnus booster in 13 years...

What made it more frightening was the fact that one of the nurses was in training, and when she said "oops" I think I turned a few shades paler.

Anyway, the blood is out, I lived to tell the the wait to hear the all-clear.

With Love From Cat xxx


Cat said...

haha...'wee' problem :o)

My maturity showing.

Afraid it isn't dehydration (actually drinking more water than ever before!) - they're tossing up over a few things, but I'm not going to stress until the results come back. Thanks for the suggestion! MWAH

Come on a journey with me and see some paint, fire, salsa, and a whole lot of caffeine!


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