Wednesday, May 09, 2007

How to Scare Little Children: Tip # 367

Whilst at the school Cross Country Carnival I received a phone call on my mobile. Being an 'organiser' I had been receiving a barrage of calls all day - including missing equipment, late people, locked gates and lost buses...

...this one was in regards to a little darling who had hurt herself along the track. So I did what any teacher would do...

I took a short cut.

The short cut consisted of walking out a gate, sliding down an embankment and climbing through some bushes. Of course if I have to go to that much trouble, I was going to make the most of it.

So when some snotty usually 'too-cool-for-school' senior boys came running past, I did what any teacher would do....

I leapt out of the bushes and roared.

I think I can take some credit for the two boys who won the race - I have never seen kids run so fast during an endurance event....

Oh yes, I did find the little girl eventually. She wasn't too impressed when her teacher turned the corner wailing like an ambulance. Apparently that's not very cool either.

With Love From Cat xxx


Anonymous said...

You mean I'm not the only 'still quite clumsy adult-type person'?

Come on a journey with me and see some paint, fire, salsa, and a whole lot of caffeine!


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