Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Elaborate your Face

And I thought I was busy before...

What a whirlwind end to 2006! I don't think I could have had any more excitement if I tried!

Though 2007 is already shaping up to be a busy year. 3 milestones already loom ahead and they are all major events that I never would have dreamed would all happen in the same year. Though time frames have been set, plans have begun to roll in motion and all of a sudden it has dawned on me that my life is about to undergo huge change this year.

...a lot can happen in a year...

I'm sure I'll elaborate later...but for now you'll have to be satisfied with ellipses...

...and if you know me, I'm sure I'll elaborate to your face...

ha, that sounds like a threat...'I'll elaborate yer face real good...'

With Love From Cat xxx


Mathias said...

Hi Cat,

I'm sorry, 'cause this post is a bit off topic. I watched your and your friends poi performance in st kilda about a year ago and made some nice pictures, which i would be glad to share with you. but i don't have any email adress.

I tried to send it to a guy from homeofpoi and that didn't seem to work out well. So if you're the right person (which I think you are) and if you would like to have the pictures (which I actually don't know at all :) ) you could send me a short mail to poths(at) .

I really enjoyed that performance and I'll try to do some poi stuff myself this year. The pois should arrive on one of the next days :)

Greetings from Germany and say Hello to Australia for me. I'm sure I'll be back some day. Have a nice '07.

Come on a journey with me and see some paint, fire, salsa, and a whole lot of caffeine!


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