Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Elevator of Death

My cupboards were bare and my stomach grumbled in protest of not being fed. Pasta sauce and cereal didn't sound appetising so I ventured off to the shops for groceries.

What I didn't know was that the shopping centre was being rennovated. There was no way of actually getting from the carpark into the centre aside from a temporary service lift.

Yes, you read me right - a temporary lift. I'm sorry but elevators should not be temporary!!

I stood inside with 5 others wondering how stable this thing actually is when it suddenly shuddered to life. The jolt was enough to give some unsuspecting person whiplash - so I did what any girl would do. I squeeled.

A few people giggled. "You'll get used to it, dear" an ederly lady comforted me. I don't want to get used to it!!

The stop was just as rough and coupled with a big 'BOOOM!'. I stumbled out and fell to my knees, kissing the ground...

...okay, I didn't do that, but I have never been so excited to get out of an elevator before (except maybe the time the one in my old building broke down between floors).

I took my time shopping - I was certainly in no hurry to return to that glorified laundry chute. However, it wasn't until I was standing infront of it again that I realised that this was the 'going down' part...I could very well plummet to my death here...I was interupted by some loud booming noises - boom boom boom boom boom boom...for a moment I couldn't work out whether it was the lift or my heart...

The door opened, and this time I held on...

Yet, even though I braced myself I couldn't help the scream that escaped...


Can I just say that free-fall rides at amusement parks now seem like see-saws in comparison?

Who needs bungee-jumping when you can go elevator diving?

With Love From Cat xxx


Come on a journey with me and see some paint, fire, salsa, and a whole lot of caffeine!


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