Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Gato del Fuego

One of my favourite past times is finding unusual or new things. Recently I found a fair bit of spare time to kill (it does happen when one locks their keys inside) and browsed a local market.

There was the usual handicrafts, old toys/clothes/junk, greasy food, overpriced potted cuttings and odds and ends...but the thing that caught my eye was the 'book sale' sign. I love books. Especially old ones...it was here I found a 120 yr old book of poetry, the St John's First Aid Handbook from the 1940s (not much has changed, I might add) as well as a few other beautifully-bound finds.

But the joy didn't end there. My favourite find of the day was a dusty old Spanish candelabra that I managed to bargain down from $20 to $8.

On taking it home, carefully dusting it, painstakingly removing the old beeswax and polishing it up...I feel like I should be dancing around the fire with a sword babbling in Spanish...

...although I don't have a sword...nor do I know enough Spanish to 'babble'...

...but dancing around fire I can do!!

Soy el Gato del fuego!!

With Love From Cat xxx


Cat said...

I've since learned that I should be Gata del fuego...otherwise I'm a male cat. Just thought I'd point that out.

Come on a journey with me and see some paint, fire, salsa, and a whole lot of caffeine!


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