Thursday, May 25, 2006
Cat Hunt Fishing Adventures
Okay okay...after a gentle reminder I'm getting back to the keyboard. I guess its partially the frustration of slow connections, partially taking up too many extra-curricular activities and partially not feeling like sitting in front of a computer that has kept me away....
....but here I am, back with Part...3? Hmmm...can I remember what happened almost a month ago??? I'll give my best shot.
Fishing. Our host is an avid fisherman. In fact, part of the reason he took a job in Weipa was simply for the fishing... So it was only natural that we were going to end up fishing.
I find it is one of those 'sports' (yes, I used inverted commas) that always comes back to bite me. I tend to watch things a little too much - and when it comes to food, I'll often become a temporary vegetarian. I cannot bare to see my food alive before it gets to my plate. I spend half the time fishing trying to keep the hook away from the fish....ironically, I always seem to catch something.
Our little adventure began at a little picturesque side of the island. It was stereotypically tropical with a splattering of palm trees along the shore. So I did what you are supposed to do when confronted with a view like this. I sat down and daydreamed.
After a while and when the sun was just touching the horizon I got my feet wet and daydreamed in the water some more....All the while our host and BF's hubby were out catching bait. Now this was a sight to behold in itself. Mr Fisherman was litterally creeping up on small schools of fish and at the last minute he would sprint after them and toss a net into the water. Very amusing for those watching....
The sun well and truly set and the two fisherman were still out baiting. I have to admit I took a *lot* of photos here...but this would have to be one of my favourites. It looks like one of those inspirational desk-top thingos with a bible verse scralled across it.
Anyway, that is the little sand island we eventually had to wade across to get to the 'fishing spot'. Sadly, only one fish was caught that night.....and guess who caught it? It was a fair size...a 'grunter' apparently....
Oh yeah...we also caught a sting ray. It was only a small one and I found it quite beautiful....their little mouths are remarkable too - sort of comical. He was tossed back into the water. The fact that I caught something and BF hubby didn't was a little bit of a sore spot for a competitive person, but he was simply determined to go fishing again to even out the score.
That fishing expidition happened the very next morning. Before we left, I made sure to hold up the previous nights efforts high on a plate, just to show who was bringing in the bacon...or the fish... and the fight was on.
We sat outside for hours....and it *poured*! The only day we were there that rained, and it just so happened to rain for that duration. BF hubby didn't catch anything....but guess who did. Yup, the one trying to save the fish...this time a fair-sized silver trevally. I held it up Rex Hunt style for a photo, but I assure you I certainly did not kiss it.
I did manage to hook something else - it was pressumed a possible shark, but we had to break the line because it was taking more than I could pull in. Yes, it was the one that got away.
Fishy adventures did not finish there! BF learnt how to clean a fish. Something I again refused to was bad enough watching them flop about on land....slowly suffocating....there was no way I was going to stick a knife in them too....
Still, after the fish were cleaned, they had produced a mountain of fresh fillets. We worked out the Sydney fish-market equivalent to be something like $60 worth of meat. Crazy!
So here was the last stop for our little fishy friends. Crumbed and baked or battered and fried...I hate the process, but I have to admit there is *absolutely* nothing like fresh fish. I'm just not cleaning it myself...
....but here I am, back with Part...3? Hmmm...can I remember what happened almost a month ago??? I'll give my best shot.
Fishing. Our host is an avid fisherman. In fact, part of the reason he took a job in Weipa was simply for the fishing... So it was only natural that we were going to end up fishing.
I find it is one of those 'sports' (yes, I used inverted commas) that always comes back to bite me. I tend to watch things a little too much - and when it comes to food, I'll often become a temporary vegetarian. I cannot bare to see my food alive before it gets to my plate. I spend half the time fishing trying to keep the hook away from the fish....ironically, I always seem to catch something.
I did manage to hook something else - it was pressumed a possible shark, but we had to break the line because it was taking more than I could pull in. Yes, it was the one that got away.
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winter...hmmm...well, I know this sounds *very* exciting, so try to keep your hat on....
....I'! The Department is generously paying for an equivalent to a masters degree in computers, so I'll be soaking up the rays from flourescent lightbulbs.