Saturday, February 25, 2006
Best night in a long time.
That's a pretty big call, because I like my nights, and I've had a lot of them.
I invited a bunch of random people salsa dancing last night. People not in my direct circle of friends. There were about 15 that showed up from an email or sms that was sent around. I have to admit it was an absolute ball. The abilities ranged from those who had never danced a step in their life to having grown up latino.
It was great to watch those who didn't know learn, and then have a ball putting their own interpretation on the moves. A lot of laughs I must say.
One guy there certainly surprised me - he said he hadn't danced in years and can't remember the moves, but he was tossing me around the dancefloor in a way I haven't moved in months. It was great! The last song though he took me down for a reversed dead-man's dip and on flinging me up the guy beside us dipped his partner - head-on collision if you know what I mean. The funny thing is I ended up concussed from it. Hmm...maybe that's not funny!
Everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves though. At the end of the night, one of the 'never-danced-a-step-befores' pulled me aside and thanked me for the evening saying how good it was to have so much fun with people in such a safe environment, and then, getting a little emotional choked "This is how the world should be".
I laughed thinking he was putting it on, but he didn't laugh back.
Way to kill a moment.
So now, I'm going to take my dizzy-pretty-lights-keep-flashing head and run off for my monthly massage :)
Such a hard life.
That's a pretty big call, because I like my nights, and I've had a lot of them.
I invited a bunch of random people salsa dancing last night. People not in my direct circle of friends. There were about 15 that showed up from an email or sms that was sent around. I have to admit it was an absolute ball. The abilities ranged from those who had never danced a step in their life to having grown up latino.
It was great to watch those who didn't know learn, and then have a ball putting their own interpretation on the moves. A lot of laughs I must say.
One guy there certainly surprised me - he said he hadn't danced in years and can't remember the moves, but he was tossing me around the dancefloor in a way I haven't moved in months. It was great! The last song though he took me down for a reversed dead-man's dip and on flinging me up the guy beside us dipped his partner - head-on collision if you know what I mean. The funny thing is I ended up concussed from it. Hmm...maybe that's not funny!
Everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves though. At the end of the night, one of the 'never-danced-a-step-befores' pulled me aside and thanked me for the evening saying how good it was to have so much fun with people in such a safe environment, and then, getting a little emotional choked "This is how the world should be".
I laughed thinking he was putting it on, but he didn't laugh back.
Way to kill a moment.
So now, I'm going to take my dizzy-pretty-lights-keep-flashing head and run off for my monthly massage :)
Such a hard life.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Disposable Technology
I've been operating the past year without a printer. This was basically because my poor old bubble jet churns out a shocking amount of ink, and the cartridges now cost $75 each (more for colour!). I tried giving the printer away but noone would take it.
My flatmate is currently enjoying it as a doorstop.
I decided to finally look into new ones. After much research I found a 3-in-1 printer that my camera can also talk to and print photographs (that really look like photos!) for $89. $14 more than a cartridge for my old one.
It also came with two bonus cartridges usually $35 each.
I could almost buy a new printer everytime I ran out of ink.
My flatmate is currently enjoying it as a doorstop.
I decided to finally look into new ones. After much research I found a 3-in-1 printer that my camera can also talk to and print photographs (that really look like photos!) for $89. $14 more than a cartridge for my old one.
It also came with two bonus cartridges usually $35 each.
I could almost buy a new printer everytime I ran out of ink.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
My temporary-flat-mate has found a house!!!
This means I will have 'my space' again without having to define lines and boundaries. It also means we can go back to being 'friends', not 'people who share living space'. It also means I can continue living my life without answering 20 questions every evening regarding where i have been, what I did, who I was with, for what length of time, what I was wearing and what it was like....
However...I *am* thankful for the lessons learnt along the way. Although it has been a very long 8 weeks, and although I know there is another 4-6 to come...and although I have probably moaned and groaned almost all the way, I don't think I would change it.
....okay, maybe I would change a few things...
My temporary-flat-mate has found a house!!!
This means I will have 'my space' again without having to define lines and boundaries. It also means we can go back to being 'friends', not 'people who share living space'. It also means I can continue living my life without answering 20 questions every evening regarding where i have been, what I did, who I was with, for what length of time, what I was wearing and what it was like....
However...I *am* thankful for the lessons learnt along the way. Although it has been a very long 8 weeks, and although I know there is another 4-6 to come...and although I have probably moaned and groaned almost all the way, I don't think I would change it.
....okay, maybe I would change a few things...
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Sleep Deprivation
Sleep? It's becoming more and mre sporadic. Unfortunately, sporadic sleep at night means sporadic sleep by day. I'm slipping back into last year's patterns - falling asleep at the desk, reading the class a book but not remembering a page, dozing off at traffic lights until someone beeps from behind...
I fell asleep standing up yesterday. That was fun until I lost my balance.
After work I started getting a magnetic word-building board ready for a lesson on Monday. I woke up half an hour later with 'ip' and 'on' stuck to my forehead and cheek. I staggered to my bedroom and slept for an hour more.
Of course I woke up bright and sunshiney, so off to salsa I went...unfortunately, it means that now I am wired, awake and alert. My mind says sleep, but the rest of me won't follow. I guess I'm going to go lay down and contemplate the shadows.
I fell asleep standing up yesterday. That was fun until I lost my balance.
After work I started getting a magnetic word-building board ready for a lesson on Monday. I woke up half an hour later with 'ip' and 'on' stuck to my forehead and cheek. I staggered to my bedroom and slept for an hour more.
Of course I woke up bright and sunshiney, so off to salsa I went...unfortunately, it means that now I am wired, awake and alert. My mind says sleep, but the rest of me won't follow. I guess I'm going to go lay down and contemplate the shadows.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Happy Valentine's Day
So I look in my mailbox to pull out my house key and what do I see? A plain envelope with 'Cat' written on the front.
Too thin for a card...hate mail? Death threat maybe?
A single small piece of cardboard falls to the ground.
Too thin for a card...hate mail? Death threat maybe?
A single small piece of cardboard falls to the ground.
FRI 31 MARCH 2006
What the????
Another look in the envelope. Nothing.
So now the question - good samaritan? Or is there another ticket out there? Good samaritans should know not to do such things on Valentines messes with girly minds.
FRI 31 MARCH 2006
What the????
Another look in the envelope. Nothing.
So now the question - good samaritan? Or is there another ticket out there? Good samaritans should know not to do such things on Valentines messes with girly minds.
The Sequel
My my...maybe age is catching up to me.
You know those grumpy old women you come across every now and then? I think I became one this week. Okay...maybe not completely grumpy, and I guess I don't qualify just yet as 'old', but I was definately one miffed chicky.
I actually told somebody to 'stay out of my personal life, and mind (their) own business'.
Not quite like me to become so vocal, but I guess the frustration of the last post accumulated. Here I was thinking I was calm, cool and collected...
But the lesson learnt was this...
Although I was driven absolutely nuts by this person, I found that they actually appreciated me saying 'get outta my life'. I guess it made my boundaries explicit. I found it ironic - it took me almost two hours to express to this person that I don't see them as a close friend and they have no authority to take matters of my life into their hands...but they walked away satisfied!
She actually said she had a lot of respect for me saying that. I am here to re-emphasize....women are complicated.
I never thought I would be that abrupt with someone, and I never dreamt that they would respond with such admiration.
The moral of my story is this - point out the speck in everyone's eyes - they'll love you for it!
Disclaimer: The author takes no responsibility for unpredictable repurcussions of exercising such actions due to the complicated antics of females.
You know those grumpy old women you come across every now and then? I think I became one this week. Okay...maybe not completely grumpy, and I guess I don't qualify just yet as 'old', but I was definately one miffed chicky.
I actually told somebody to 'stay out of my personal life, and mind (their) own business'.
Not quite like me to become so vocal, but I guess the frustration of the last post accumulated. Here I was thinking I was calm, cool and collected...
But the lesson learnt was this...
Although I was driven absolutely nuts by this person, I found that they actually appreciated me saying 'get outta my life'. I guess it made my boundaries explicit. I found it ironic - it took me almost two hours to express to this person that I don't see them as a close friend and they have no authority to take matters of my life into their hands...but they walked away satisfied!
She actually said she had a lot of respect for me saying that. I am here to re-emphasize....women are complicated.
I never thought I would be that abrupt with someone, and I never dreamt that they would respond with such admiration.
The moral of my story is this - point out the speck in everyone's eyes - they'll love you for it!
Disclaimer: The author takes no responsibility for unpredictable repurcussions of exercising such actions due to the complicated antics of females.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
The Rant Post
Why are women so complicated???
And I can safely go on about this because I am one...
A few weeks ago, possibly months, I was having coffee with a male friend. He made some fly-by comment "girls are too complicated...haha" he added nervously "just kidding". But I stood there, soy decaf mocha paused mid-way between table and lips and said...
"you know, you are absolutely right".
That has been confirmed for me this week. Why is it that I can't go on my merry way without a swarm of curious-ones needing to know every detail of every movement of my life? And why is it that my silence means 'something is going on' and stories are created where there are none?? And why oh why oh WHY is it that it is assumed that because someone lives with you they are the one to go to for the gossip when the person in question won't give it???
This is where I adore the simplicity of the male. When they spend time together, they do stuff. They might talk, but D&Ms are optional, and even then they do not have to include finer details. When males co-habitate it is just that. They pass each other in the hall and in the kitchen, but they don't demand to know every detail of your day when you walk in the door.
And HOW is it that females assume they are 'helping' by getting involved in the affairs of others WHEN IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM????? What's more frustrating is when they assume they have that much influence in your life to allow them to do that!
Okay. I think I feel better now.
And I can safely go on about this because I am one...
A few weeks ago, possibly months, I was having coffee with a male friend. He made some fly-by comment "girls are too complicated...haha" he added nervously "just kidding". But I stood there, soy decaf mocha paused mid-way between table and lips and said...
"you know, you are absolutely right".
That has been confirmed for me this week. Why is it that I can't go on my merry way without a swarm of curious-ones needing to know every detail of every movement of my life? And why is it that my silence means 'something is going on' and stories are created where there are none?? And why oh why oh WHY is it that it is assumed that because someone lives with you they are the one to go to for the gossip when the person in question won't give it???
This is where I adore the simplicity of the male. When they spend time together, they do stuff. They might talk, but D&Ms are optional, and even then they do not have to include finer details. When males co-habitate it is just that. They pass each other in the hall and in the kitchen, but they don't demand to know every detail of your day when you walk in the door.
And HOW is it that females assume they are 'helping' by getting involved in the affairs of others WHEN IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM????? What's more frustrating is when they assume they have that much influence in your life to allow them to do that!
Okay. I think I feel better now.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
We Are Rolling
I like music without lyrics. It says so much without words getting in the way.
Words annoy me. I love them.
I'm working my way through my CD collection. Its amazing what memories come with certain albums. Songs are like smells - they are so intimately linked with moments. Even a brief aroma evokes some sort of related emotion.
Right now I'm listening to the song 'Shacklyn Knights' (Medeski Martin & Wood) and it is bringing back the simple sheer thrill of discovery. Something like 6 years ago I was watching laaaaaate tv (brief episode of insomnia) and at something like 3am there was a music show playing a one hour set of fusion. That was the first time I heard this trio. I was determined to find more. I did a net search and discovered that my chances of finding any stuff in Australia was slim to none.
If you know the slightest thing about me you would know that situations like that make me even more determined.
Thus began the real search. I scoured CD stores until I begged FISH records to import something for me (this was before I worked there...). They don't like to import for customers. I begged, I pleaded, I bargained and bribed. They ordered it in for me.
During the 6 week wait I was wandering through a local CD shop. It would've been sometime in the year 2000. There in the acid section was 'The Dropper' sitting up front.
It was one of those moments where you are certain that the heavens open and a choir of angels sing a chord in celebration.
So there we go - in my excitement I listened to the album on random setting and Shacklyn Knights was first up.
Why am I telling this story?
Because I should be doing work.
Words annoy me. I love them.
I'm working my way through my CD collection. Its amazing what memories come with certain albums. Songs are like smells - they are so intimately linked with moments. Even a brief aroma evokes some sort of related emotion.
Right now I'm listening to the song 'Shacklyn Knights' (Medeski Martin & Wood) and it is bringing back the simple sheer thrill of discovery. Something like 6 years ago I was watching laaaaaate tv (brief episode of insomnia) and at something like 3am there was a music show playing a one hour set of fusion. That was the first time I heard this trio. I was determined to find more. I did a net search and discovered that my chances of finding any stuff in Australia was slim to none.
If you know the slightest thing about me you would know that situations like that make me even more determined.
Thus began the real search. I scoured CD stores until I begged FISH records to import something for me (this was before I worked there...). They don't like to import for customers. I begged, I pleaded, I bargained and bribed. They ordered it in for me.
During the 6 week wait I was wandering through a local CD shop. It would've been sometime in the year 2000. There in the acid section was 'The Dropper' sitting up front.
It was one of those moments where you are certain that the heavens open and a choir of angels sing a chord in celebration.
So there we go - in my excitement I listened to the album on random setting and Shacklyn Knights was first up.
Why am I telling this story?
Because I should be doing work.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Knee-High Vampires
Two days. I feel like I have aged two years!
My new class are cute. Very cute. However they are ravenous, blood-sucking little monsters! Don't let size fool you...these pint-sized critters are deadly. Oh they have adorable smiles and gorgeous lisps as they twinkle "Dood Mowning Mith Bow-eth", but don't turn your back on them for a second...they'll be eating glue, spurting blood from their noses, undoing shoelaces, rolling under the table and asking you the same question ten times just to see if you will react.
This I can handle, because my last two classes were like this (even though they were older). The finishing touch is the tears, the tantrums, and the sheer-defiant will of the six-year old. I'm almost ready to take on toddlers now that I have taken on the flailing fists of a very strong and stocky Sudanese girl.
She is beautiful. Absolutely stunning features...but one particular feature (her right hook) certainly has the ability to stun you even more so...
Anyway - on the 'up' side...I'm enjoying the new challenge.
On another up-side, thanks to a great friend with convenient contacts, I get to see the Missy Higgins concert in the Hunter Valley *free*! Yay for friends! There may also be the possibility of hanging with the roadies (this friend is helping out with one of the support acts) ...I want to see whether they really are as they appear...and I want to sloth alongside them, and glean from their knowledge of slothiness.
So all-in-all, it is going to be a busy, yet eventful weekend. Surely there will be some relaxation time in there somewhere......surely
Oh...and lastly - I finally obeyed doctors orders and joined a gym. I never thought I would see the day...but there you have it. I'm a rat in a wheel 3 or 4 days a week.
My new class are cute. Very cute. However they are ravenous, blood-sucking little monsters! Don't let size fool you...these pint-sized critters are deadly. Oh they have adorable smiles and gorgeous lisps as they twinkle "Dood Mowning Mith Bow-eth", but don't turn your back on them for a second...they'll be eating glue, spurting blood from their noses, undoing shoelaces, rolling under the table and asking you the same question ten times just to see if you will react.
This I can handle, because my last two classes were like this (even though they were older). The finishing touch is the tears, the tantrums, and the sheer-defiant will of the six-year old. I'm almost ready to take on toddlers now that I have taken on the flailing fists of a very strong and stocky Sudanese girl.
She is beautiful. Absolutely stunning features...but one particular feature (her right hook) certainly has the ability to stun you even more so...
Anyway - on the 'up' side...I'm enjoying the new challenge.
On another up-side, thanks to a great friend with convenient contacts, I get to see the Missy Higgins concert in the Hunter Valley *free*! Yay for friends! There may also be the possibility of hanging with the roadies (this friend is helping out with one of the support acts) ...I want to see whether they really are as they appear...and I want to sloth alongside them, and glean from their knowledge of slothiness.
So all-in-all, it is going to be a busy, yet eventful weekend. Surely there will be some relaxation time in there somewhere......surely
Oh...and lastly - I finally obeyed doctors orders and joined a gym. I never thought I would see the day...but there you have it. I'm a rat in a wheel 3 or 4 days a week.
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A new dawn...11 years ago
Come on a journey with me and see some paint, fire, salsa, and a whole lot of caffeine!
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