Saturday, January 20, 2007
Firstly I would like to say that I have now had uninterrupted sleep for two nights in a row! *bliss*
Secondly I would like to talk about tenuate.
I love discovering how people stumble upon this blog. Often it is x-rated searches generated by my little sign-off with kisses (however, I refuse to change it). Lately I have had a whole range of other hits. Often they will take a subject from one entry and link it with another ie 'Pidgeon toes' will lead to my pidgeon escapades and my narrow escape from drowning in the carpet.
The search that has caught my eye today is 'tenuate'. I'm not entirely sure how I was linked to this appetite-suppressant, but there you have it. You name it and I will appear...
I'm about to reveal my immaturity though. In my own search to discover what this stuff was I discovered a phonetic breakdown of 'diethylpropion' - (dye eth ill PROE pee on) and giggled for far too long at the 'pee on' part.
In fact I was so amused by my own silliness I felt inclined to admit it to the world.
Yes, I Cat giggled at my own pee-joke.
I think I need to get out more.
Secondly I would like to talk about tenuate.
I love discovering how people stumble upon this blog. Often it is x-rated searches generated by my little sign-off with kisses (however, I refuse to change it). Lately I have had a whole range of other hits. Often they will take a subject from one entry and link it with another ie 'Pidgeon toes' will lead to my pidgeon escapades and my narrow escape from drowning in the carpet.
The search that has caught my eye today is 'tenuate'. I'm not entirely sure how I was linked to this appetite-suppressant, but there you have it. You name it and I will appear...
I'm about to reveal my immaturity though. In my own search to discover what this stuff was I discovered a phonetic breakdown of 'diethylpropion' - (dye eth ill PROE pee on) and giggled for far too long at the 'pee on' part.
In fact I was so amused by my own silliness I felt inclined to admit it to the world.
Yes, I Cat giggled at my own pee-joke.
I think I need to get out more.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Things that go Bump Bump Bump in the Night...
If you have read any of my entries in the last few months you would know that sleep is very precious to me.
Lately it hasn't been happening.
I love my neighbours, I truly do. They are lovely people. Apparently they love each other very much too.
It is great that they have a healthy relationship, and fine if their healthy relationship kept me awake for a night...but when it has been four nights running (long nights) and no volume of music played in my room can drown out noises it gets a bit much.
What is the etiquette in these sorts of situations? If I was in a hotel, I would throw a shoe at the wall because I don't know them, they don't know me and I probably won't see them tomorrow anyway.
If I throw a shoe at the wall here it is a little obvious as to who owns the shoe. Do I slip a little note under their door - 'Can we please all get a little shut-eye tonight?'
Surely they must be tired too?
Originally I thought 'hmm, how awkward', but it is becoming a little more awkward as their healthy relationship appears to be getting healthier, and there are now strange noises throughout the day also - which has made entertaining visitors very awkward.
You know that little pause of quiet when you both break from talking about your latest shopping bargain to take a sip from your hot chocolate? I used to savour that moment. Now I find that I am doing all I can from preventing that moment because I know that it isn't going to all be 'quiet'... unless I have music playing at a deafening level...which isn't very hospitable now anyway...
I was wondering whether this was pay-back for my latest addition - for Christmas I was given a surround sound system...
Now I'm certainly surrounded by sound, but it is coming through 30cm thick concrete walls.
So I'm at a loss. I need sleep. I don't want to offend good neighbours. I don't want to have x-rated sound effects at g-rated hours of the day when I can't turn up music loud because my friend is chatting about her latest hair style and whether she should go from chestnut to fireball.
At about 4am last night I discovered that headphones were more effective than speakers and finally got 2 hours sleep before my phone (which doubles as mp3 player) ran out of songs and I was awoken again. you think I could hand out complimentary headphones to guests?
Lately it hasn't been happening.
I love my neighbours, I truly do. They are lovely people. Apparently they love each other very much too.
It is great that they have a healthy relationship, and fine if their healthy relationship kept me awake for a night...but when it has been four nights running (long nights) and no volume of music played in my room can drown out noises it gets a bit much.
What is the etiquette in these sorts of situations? If I was in a hotel, I would throw a shoe at the wall because I don't know them, they don't know me and I probably won't see them tomorrow anyway.
If I throw a shoe at the wall here it is a little obvious as to who owns the shoe. Do I slip a little note under their door - 'Can we please all get a little shut-eye tonight?'
Surely they must be tired too?
Originally I thought 'hmm, how awkward', but it is becoming a little more awkward as their healthy relationship appears to be getting healthier, and there are now strange noises throughout the day also - which has made entertaining visitors very awkward.
You know that little pause of quiet when you both break from talking about your latest shopping bargain to take a sip from your hot chocolate? I used to savour that moment. Now I find that I am doing all I can from preventing that moment because I know that it isn't going to all be 'quiet'... unless I have music playing at a deafening level...which isn't very hospitable now anyway...
I was wondering whether this was pay-back for my latest addition - for Christmas I was given a surround sound system...
Now I'm certainly surrounded by sound, but it is coming through 30cm thick concrete walls.
So I'm at a loss. I need sleep. I don't want to offend good neighbours. I don't want to have x-rated sound effects at g-rated hours of the day when I can't turn up music loud because my friend is chatting about her latest hair style and whether she should go from chestnut to fireball.
At about 4am last night I discovered that headphones were more effective than speakers and finally got 2 hours sleep before my phone (which doubles as mp3 player) ran out of songs and I was awoken again. you think I could hand out complimentary headphones to guests?
Monday, January 15, 2007
Phonic Phatigue
So there are now two weeks left of holidays.
That sounds like a lot. And it is...I'm grateful for it...but this is the time that it suddenly dawns on me that in two weeks time, 28 little midgets are going to walk into my classroom and though they have been to school before, they would have forgotten everything - 6 weeks is a long time for a 6 year old.
Last year I thought I was prepared...until I told them to sit at their desks, open their books and fold their arms.
Mistake #1 - don't give multiple instructions to kidlings just out of kindergarten.
Then we played sound (phonics) bingo.
Mistake #2 - assuming your class know their sounds is too optimistic. There are a lot of letters in the English alphabet after all.
I won't even begin with the disasters of lunchtime. Or when I discovered that two of my girls had severe emotional trauma and would swing into sporadic violent tantrums with no warning.
So this time I realise that in my little group of 28 I may have some knowing everything, and some knowing nothing, with the ones in between full of many many surprises. I decided to start planning, programming and organising things ready for that first week.
The only problem is although I have had 3 and a half weeks of 'almost nothing' my body feels as though I have worked all the way through the holidays. I have a list of things to do, and phonics games to create and all I can think about is laying my head down on the keyboard and ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
oh yes, and eating all those Ferrero Rochers so I can use the boxes to put the phonics games in....
That sounds like a lot. And it is...I'm grateful for it...but this is the time that it suddenly dawns on me that in two weeks time, 28 little midgets are going to walk into my classroom and though they have been to school before, they would have forgotten everything - 6 weeks is a long time for a 6 year old.
Last year I thought I was prepared...until I told them to sit at their desks, open their books and fold their arms.
Mistake #1 - don't give multiple instructions to kidlings just out of kindergarten.
Then we played sound (phonics) bingo.
Mistake #2 - assuming your class know their sounds is too optimistic. There are a lot of letters in the English alphabet after all.
I won't even begin with the disasters of lunchtime. Or when I discovered that two of my girls had severe emotional trauma and would swing into sporadic violent tantrums with no warning.
So this time I realise that in my little group of 28 I may have some knowing everything, and some knowing nothing, with the ones in between full of many many surprises. I decided to start planning, programming and organising things ready for that first week.
The only problem is although I have had 3 and a half weeks of 'almost nothing' my body feels as though I have worked all the way through the holidays. I have a list of things to do, and phonics games to create and all I can think about is laying my head down on the keyboard and ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
oh yes, and eating all those Ferrero Rochers so I can use the boxes to put the phonics games in....
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Elaborate your Face
And I thought I was busy before...
What a whirlwind end to 2006! I don't think I could have had any more excitement if I tried!
Though 2007 is already shaping up to be a busy year. 3 milestones already loom ahead and they are all major events that I never would have dreamed would all happen in the same year. Though time frames have been set, plans have begun to roll in motion and all of a sudden it has dawned on me that my life is about to undergo huge change this year.
...a lot can happen in a year...
I'm sure I'll elaborate later...but for now you'll have to be satisfied with ellipses...
...and if you know me, I'm sure I'll elaborate to your face...
ha, that sounds like a threat...'I'll elaborate yer face real good...'
What a whirlwind end to 2006! I don't think I could have had any more excitement if I tried!
Though 2007 is already shaping up to be a busy year. 3 milestones already loom ahead and they are all major events that I never would have dreamed would all happen in the same year. Though time frames have been set, plans have begun to roll in motion and all of a sudden it has dawned on me that my life is about to undergo huge change this year.
...a lot can happen in a year...
I'm sure I'll elaborate later...but for now you'll have to be satisfied with ellipses...
...and if you know me, I'm sure I'll elaborate to your face...
ha, that sounds like a threat...'I'll elaborate yer face real good...'
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