Blonde Connections
Yes my laptop plays dvds.
Yes my laptop is connected to big speakers near my bed so I can listen to music.
........Yes I can watch a dvd by myself even though Flatmate is at home..........IN BED!
Hah. In all my 25 years I have never watched a movie in my own bed. Blissful.
I'm blaming all of this stupidity on the blonde streaks put through my hair - they must be soaking into my brain...better go dye them out quickly!
Fun With a Sink
I turned the tap on, and let the water flow a little, then turned it off and watched as it circled the sink and finally collected in the grooves, disappearing down the hole.
So I turned the tap back on. This time I noticed hundreds of little bubbles gurgling around - little pockets of trapped air. I turned it off and watched the bubbles follow the same path.
I turned the tap back on, this time turning it off abruptly. I tried turning it off slowly. I tried a series of short bursts. I have no idea how long I was there for, but let me just say when I left that party I had a camera-full of photos...and all of them were of the sink.
Get Milky!
Something Completely Random
Sometimes they come along by coincidence. Sometimes their lives echoe your own or someone's you know. Sometimes they bring new and exciting stories to tell. Sometimes they are interesting because they are just so completely mundane.
Whatever the reason, random people are fun. I propose a toast to them. Here's to the people that keep life interesting....
This is actually a post with an agenda. I have the urge to write and nothing to write about. *shakes fist at school work*
The weather has turned. The air has begun to bite with autumn. Everything is grey at the moment. Including my orange.
Random moment of the day:
scenario - school. Counting lesson with year 1.
Me: 10, 20, 30, 40....what comes next?
Sahib: I like your skirt.
Me: thankyou, can you tell me what comes next?
Sahib stares blankly
Me: Ahmad, can you help him?
Ahmad: Your hair is nice.
Me: These compliments are lovely, but I really really really want to know what comes next...10, 20, 30, 40......
Zahra: Your top is pretty
Me: Mohammad?
Mohammad: I like your boots.
Me: anybody?
(bombardment of compliments follow)
Sheesh...what are people teaching children these days????
Okay...enough of random people, grey oranges and cutesy kiddy stories. I declare this entry 'over'.
Bright Sparks
We have light! And I didn't need a man to do it!
It only long???
Celebrate with some visual delights of St Kilda and learn about the aliens that have landed in Melbourne...
Greased Lighting
It is currently sitting in its socket mocking me.
"Change it" I hear you say.
Let me tell you, this is no ordinary lightbulb. I remember changing it once before and thinking 'Lord may this bulb never blow again whilst I'm living here'...I'm sure Job never encountered a test like this....
This lightbulb has the will of a puppy on a new leash.
It refuses to budge.
I don't need to go to the gym today because I have sweated and laboured over a stinking lightbulb! It is still stuck up there! Now I can be stubborn at times myself, so collectively, I've probably worked at this thing for a good hour - twisting, turning, pushing, cursing...
Each time I stop after either:
- becoming concerned that the glass will shatter at the force
- realising that I'm playing with an electrical socket with wires hanging out of my ceiling...
Yours in darkness...
I could write about the 'lightbulb fiasco', of which is the reason there is a chair placed in the middle of my room, covered in concrete dust and I'm still sitting in the dark...
I may also write about the legend of 'bumface' and his sporadic appearance in my classroom.
Maybe I should tell you about the psychologist, the counsellor and the kid with two pencils up his nose.
Then I would have to tell you about the graceful and inspiring 'boobie dance'.
(The last three stories actually happen to involve the same 'lovely darling')
Maybe I could tell you about my adventure of twirling glowing balls on the rooftop of Westfields in Parramatta...(yes, the teacher has finally been driven nuts kids)
It's been a pretty interesting week.
So why am I so uninspired?
Happy Birthday

Here is a little present from one of my 'cherubs'. She actually attacked another teacher today and this was only 'some' of the damage. This is immediate bruising mind you, so I'd hate to see what it will look like tomorrow.
I say 'present' because I had to then spend an hour in meetings and a further three hours in paperwork because of it.
Another little 'cherub' is the cause of police presence in our school (Did I mention that I teach 6 year olds???). Thankfully I didn't have to do any of the paperwork on that one - because of the police inclusion it goes straight to the principal. Obviously I can't go into details, or in vague details. Let's just say she is in a little bit of big trouble.
All in all it has been an eventful birthday. One thing I *was* going to mention was the psychology of the rsvp. I have discovered that if you don't specify that you want an rsvp by a particular date, the only time people do contact you is if they cannot make it.
For this reason I have found myself cringing at emails and smses today because I'm scared it is going to start with 'sorry, but....'.
I wish I could list some of the excuses too.......two in particular make me glad I'm a confident-enough gal. Otherwise I'd probably end up with a bit of a complex! They were good for a laugh though. xxx
Macadamia Madness
Every now and then (every four weeks or so...) I seem to get cravings for particular foods. This might be chocolate, ice cream, or KFC. Occasionally it may be a big bowl of spinach. Or maybe roast pumpkin with crushed garlic.
At the moment it is nuts.
I can't get enough of nuts. Not peanuts...I'm talking macadamia, hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios and of course....cashews. The Lord must have been smiling when he made cashews.
Yesterday some friends and myself found ourselves at the markets and walked away with bags of nuts. Obviously we couldn't eat them at the end of the evening I kidnapped the cashews. The funny thing about cravings though is that you always crave more what you do not have... So don't be alarmed...the cashews are alive and well. They are pictured here., my friends, if you wAnT to SeE tHe CaSHews aLiVe AgaIn...SeND OnE baG oF MacAdaMia NuTs....ShELLed. (I don't have a cruncher-thingamee)
The Bestest Compliment Ever!
"You extremely don't suck"Thankyou. Thankyou very much. I'm moved.
Space, Tears, Suds and German Lollies
In between finding news of a friend who died tragically, chasing down parents and arguing on their behalf for school assistance so that their children can get books and pencils to write in/with, attempting to get my own program finished (pffttt....that never happened), trying to explain to a child latched on my arm that biting is no way to get what you want, the washing machine blowing up and flooding my laundry and kitchen (and flatmate sitting beside the pool of water oblivious!), and trying to explain to people that because I'm running low on time, it doesn't mean I don't care for them... (take a breath) between all of this I have discovered German lollies. I think I have been running this week on a sugar high as I've made my way through (almost...I'm still working on it) 500g of the stuff.
Okay, I admit the exploding washing machine fiasco was fun (as inconvenient as it is) as my kitchen became a temporary make-shift ice-skating rink. I also can say that finally getting an outcome over school finances and seeing the faces on these kids when handed a pile of books 'just like everybody else' is priceless (the parents gave me a box of shapes biscuits and a can of Sunkist to say thankyou). Not getting my program done meant that I was able to catch up with a few of those who I haven't seen for a while...
...and as for that friend? I know he achieved more than most could ever achieve in a full lifetime. I know that he loved God with all of his heart and would be with him right now. I know that even in his death he is still impacting lives. I know he probably wouldn't have had it any other way.
He reminded me that not just each new day is a gift, but every hour, every minute, every second. We can't take tomorrow for granted, but neither can we take the next few moments either. One minute you have jumped and are floating like the world is at your feet - the next breath though could be your last - and who would've thought?
All in all I guess it wasn't a bad week (emotional rollercoaster aside)...
I just feel like I've aged ten years...and about due for one heck of a sugar-low.
RIP Jeremy
About Me
Notable Notes...
A new dawn...11 years ago